Milagro Silver Tequila 750ml
Mexico - 40.000% - Milagro Silver is a 100% blue agave tequila that is renowned for its crisp, fresh, agave taste and world-class smoothness. Awarded Silver at the IWSC and ISC in 2020. TAG Global Spirits Awards Double Gold 2023
Mexico - 40.000% - Milagro Silver is a 100% blue agave tequila that is renowned for its crisp, fresh, agave taste and world-class smoothness. Awarded Silver at the IWSC and ISC in 2020. TAG Global Spirits Awards Double Gold 2023
Mexico - 40.000% - Milagro Silver is a 100% blue agave tequila that is renowned for its crisp, fresh, agave taste and world-class smoothness. Awarded Silver at the IWSC and ISC in 2020. TAG Global Spirits Awards Double Gold 2023